続 今日の英語


I don’t know what’s got into the criminal classes.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」S1エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。あまりにも犯罪がなくて暇を持てあますシャーロックのグチ。ちなみに原作ホームズもこんな感じの人で、犯罪がないことを喜ぶどころか嘆く。順番で言うと、ジョンのセリフ"So you take it out on the wall?"(10/1/30)の前。

  • "what's got(ten) into someone" の形で、いつもとは様子が違う人、いつもならしないような行動を取る人に対して、「一体どうしたんだろうか」という気持ちを表す。(What is bothering someone?/What caused someone to act that way?/asking why someone is behaving in an unusual or annoying way/used to express surprise that someone is behaving very differently from the way they usually behave)
  • I don't know と組み合わせて使われることが多い。
  • 現在完了形だけでなく、過去形で使われることもある。(※それ以外の時制では使わない。)
    • I just don't know what's gotten into her.
    • I don't know what got into me.
    • I don't know what's got into Sally recently.
    • I don't know what has gotten into him lately.
    • She never used to be so rude to people. What got into her? [=why is she behaving this way?]
    • What's got into Alex? He never used to worry like that.
    • I'm sorry for laughing like that―I don't know what got into me.

(S3 UK版DVDはPAL対応じゃないと見られないのでご注意を。)