続 今日の英語


We might as well give him a news.


  • 受験英語で習ったよなぁ〜、の「might(may) as well=するのも同様である(used to say that the effect of an action or situation is the same as if it was another one)」。…実は受験当時は覚えていなかった気も・・・(^^;)
    • You might as well have confessed. (君は白状したのも同様だ。)
        • hey might as well have a badge on them saying 'Steal me'.
  • 実際にはこの例文のように「〜したほうがよい」や「〜してもよいだろう」という意味( used to make an unenthusiastic suggestion/used to suggest that someone should do something, because there is no good reason to do anything else)で使うことが多いのだそう。"Why don't we 〜?"のニュアンスなのかな?と説明を聞きながら感じた。
    • Might as well call it a day.(今日はもう終わりにしよう)
    • I might as well begin.
    • I suppose we might as well go home.
    • “Shall we go?” “Might as well. ”(それもいいね:熱意のない返答)