続 今日の英語


They picked me on.

 「オペラ座の怪人(The phantom of the Opera)」ブロードウェイキャストでファントム役の人のインタビュー(NHK教育)より。彼は小さい頃太っていて、周りにいじめられたそう。だから、周囲に受け入れられなかったファントムの気持ちが分かる気がするんだ、と言っていた。

  • "pick on"=「(からかい)いじめる」という意味。私の辞書には「(人の)あら探しをする、小言をいう」と載っていた。これも以前とりあげた、人に被害を及ぼす時の"on"だね。(参考:04/5/5
    • Why don't you pick on someone else for a change?←嫌な例文だなコレ・・・
  • ちなみに「太っていた」というのは "I was chunky." と言っていた。chunky は口語で「ずんぐりした、(布等)厚い、(ジャムなど)塊の入った」。女の子が「ぽっちゃりとした」という時は plump が使われるみたい。
    • She's a little plump.
    • The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.
    • The baby's nice and plump.


is a very direct word. You might use it about yourself but it will usually cause offence if you use it about someone else
• I'm so fat at the moment!


is a more polite way to say that someone is fatter than they usually are or than they should be
• She is a little overweight.


is a word used especially by doctors to describe people who are very fat, in a way that is bad for their health.


is a more informal word and is used especially of children or of rounded body parts such as cheeks or knees.


means fat and rounded in a pleasant way
• a plump, motherly woman

big and well-built

are fairly polite ways to describe someone with a large, strong, or fat body
• For big men like him, air travel can be uncomfortable.