続 今日の英語


When Apple unveiled its last iMac update more than two-and-a-half years ago, Time magazine raved in a cover headline that the design was "Flat-Out Cool!"

 新しいiMacがもうすぐ発表されるよーという記事より。ちなみに私はカラフルだった頃のiMac使用中。G3 333MHzだけど、今度のiMacはG5 1.6GHz/1.8GHz。欲しー。

  • "flat-out" には「全く/徹底的に/絶対的に」という意味が。ここでは現行iMacがフラットパネルなのにかけての使用例。"flat-out lie" で「真っ赤なウソ」。これは決まり文句のよう。
    • John Kerry's campaign said the president "flat-out lied" over the Iraq war.
    • The whole team is working flat out to satisfy demand.(flat out:as fast or as hard as possible)
    • Everyone's working flat out to finish on time.
    • She asked him flat out if he was seeing another woman.(はっきりと聞いた)
  • raveはここでは「激賞する/熱弁をふるう(to talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way [= enthuse])の意。
    • Now I understand why travelers rave about Lapland.
    • The customers were raving over our homemade chili.