続 今日の英語


I'm afraid the wine went to my head and I made quite a fool of myself.

 現在受講中の英会話短期セミナーにて配られた、body idiomに関するプリントの中の一文。酒に関する英語表現は、使えると便利なのでちゃんと覚えておこう(笑)。

  • 「酒 go to one's head」!なんて直球な表現なのかしら。飲みながらだったら"the wine's going to my head"と言えるのかな?
    • That glass of wine I had before supper went straight to my head.
    • Champagne always goes to my head.
  • また、まったく同じ形で主語がsuccessなどになると、「うぬぼれさせる/自信過剰にさせる」という意味に。
    • She never let fame go to her head.
    • Just because you won the poetry prize, you won't let it go to your head now, will you?
    • That award that he won really went to his head.
    • The girl won the beauty contest and now it has gone to her head.
    • Don't let success go to your head.