続 今日の英語


We can reach out to each other.

Dick Van Dykeが主人公のモデルとなったCG絵本「Mr Finnegan's Giving Chest」のあとがきより。物語中、思いやりの心で他者を助けることを教えてくれた「Giving Chest」を、現実の生活でも実践してください、みたいなくだりで。

  • reach out to somebody の形で「〜を助ける、心を通わせる、援助の手を差し伸べる」(to offer help or support to (someone)/to show people that you are interested in them and want to listen to them/extend help, understanding, or influence ※extend:差し伸べる/to make a special effort to communicate with or help someone) 。
    • So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.(administration/統治、行政、内閣 hardline/強硬路線 Republican/共和党員(支持者))
    • He felt such an urge to reach out to his fellow sufferer.
    • The students are reaching out to the homeless.
    • a community reaching out to refugees  ※refugee:亡命者、逃亡者
    • I was going through a hard time, and Johnny really reached out to me during that period.
    • He used his dance company as a way of reaching out to African-American youth.