続 今日の英語


Serves you right spoiling people's best dreams.


  • (it) serve someone right で「自業自得だ/当然の報いだ」という意味に。例文のように、後ろに〜ingが続くと「〜したんだから当然の報いよ」と、理由をあらわす感じになる。
    • She kicked me!---Serves you right, teasing her like that.
    • Serves him right, I'd say. ※同じく「シンデレラ」後半に魔女が猫のルシファーについていうセリフ
    • I feel awful.---It serves you right for eating so much.
    • All I can say is it serves you right.
  • 「〜されたとしても当たり前よ」と仮定をあらわしても使われる。
    • It would serve you right if Jeff walked out on you. 
    • After the way she treated him, it would serve her right if he left her.
    • John copied off my test paper. It would serve him right if he fails the test.
    • It'd serve John right if he got arrested.
    • It would serve you right if your children never spoke to you again.
  • これって前にとりあげた"He asked for it!" "He deserved it!"と同意よね(04/7/30)、と思いちょっと調べてみるとdeserve it とserve 〜 rightの使い分けをわかりやすく説明しているページが。(http://getupenglish.blog.ocn.ne.jp/getupenglish/2006/05/it_serves_you_r.html←コメント欄参照)。英英で調べてみても、serve someone rightは"be someone's deserved punishment or misfortune"と、よくないもの(punishment or misfortune)に見合うという意味合いで使うのに対し、deserve自体は"do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)"と、よいこと(reward)に見合う際にも使われるのがわかる。