続 今日の英語


I think we got turned around.


  • "get turned around" で「道を外れる」という説明。聞いたことがなかったので辞書を調べてみたがいまいちつかめず、用例を探してみたらけっこうたくさんみつかった。
    • if you ever get turned around, people are very helpful at telling you where to go next.
    • She learned the hard way that even the most-experienced hikers can get turned around in the wilderness.  ※"learn the hard way that 〜" で「つらい経験をして〜ということを知る、身をもって思い知る」
    • if you get turned around you get lost very easily.
    • I got turned around in the fog. I guess I flew the wrong way.
  • 会話の返答は "Maybe we went out the wrong station exit." wrongを使うあたりが英語っぽい発想との説明。確かに。昔メモした「日にちを間違える」もwrongを使っていた(06/2/19)