続 今日の英語


I felt like a fish out of water.


  • 「水から出た魚」という発想が、最初、「水を得た魚」の反対で「青菜に塩」みたいな状態なのかな?思ったが、実際は「場違いな感じがして落ち着かない」という意味だった。私は楽器屋にいると feel like out of water なことが多い。
    • I turned up at a party last night wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Everyone else was dressed formally. I felt like a fish out of water.
    • After living in Hong Kong for most of his life, Lee was a fish out of water in Los Angeles.
    • I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.
    • He felt like a fish out of water in an academic atmosphere.
  • じゃあ「水を得た魚」は?と調べてみると、"be in one's element" という言い方が適切みたい。この場合の element は「本領」。反意は "out of one's element" と辞書にあるので、すなわちこれが "fish out of water" と近い意味に(まあ、fish の element が water だもんね)。でも、例文なんかを見ていると、"fish out of water" が uncomfortable の意味合いが強かったのに対して、"out of element" はそこにさらに unhappy の要素がより強く入ってきている印象がある。
    • He was in his element, building a fire and cooking the steaks.
    • She was in her element with doctors and hospitals.
    • He is in his element when traveling.
    • The business world is her element.
    • You should have seen her when they asked her to sing, she was in her element.
    • Paul is in his element when he's working in the office, but when he's making sales calls, he's miserable.
    • He felt out of his element at such a formal occasion.
    • Grant was a great general, but as president, he was out of his element.
    • She was out of her element in this dull little town.