続 今日の英語


Since I have found that Mars opposed to Uranus can strike within a ten-day period, you will have to hold your breath to see if any unexpected financial news comes up anytime until August 16.

 Susan Miller の西洋占星術山羊座8月の予報より。16日過ぎたけど何もなくてヨカッタ(笑)。

  • "hold your breath" の形で、「息をひそめて(かたずを飲んで)何かが起こるのを待つ」という意味。日本語と発想は近いんだけど、英語の場合は "not hold your breath" と否定形にすることで「何かが起こるという期待をしない(do not expect something to happen, even though someone has said it will)」という意味で使えるのが面白い。
    • I've been just holding my breath and hoping they'll call me back for an interview.
    • The election was so close that I held my breath until the final results were in.
    • I'm hoping to hear if I got the job, but I'm not holding my breath.
    • She wants the company to apologize for damaging her reputation, but she isn't holding her breath.
    • He promised he'd phone, but I'm not holding my breath. ←私にもこんな友人がいるw
  • "Don't hold your breath" =「それはきっとないから期待するなよ」と命令形で使うことも多い。
    • She said she'd phone but don't hold your breath.
    • If you're waiting for the next big cut in computer prices to buy that powerful new machine, don't hold your breath.
    • They may get married this summer, but don't hold your breath.