続 今日の英語


I want you to be ready for those dazzling career options that will come up, so get all your ducks in a row before you go!

 Susan Miller の西洋占星術山羊座8月の予報より。月末に旅行のチャンスがあるけど、この時期は同時にキャリアのチャンスでもあるのです、という流れ。

  • "get/have one's ducks in a row" で、「すっかり準備を整える(to arrange everything that you need in order to do/ get (or have) everything organized)」という意味。英和辞書に〈おそらくアヒルの母親が子供のアヒルを一列に並べて行進することから〉と載っていた。私は、これから食べるアヒルを選ぶために一列に並べているのか・・・と殺伐とした状況を想像をしていたので、一気に和んだ。
    • The government talks about tax changes but they won't fix a date or an amount - they just can't get their ducks in a row.
    • We had all of our ducks in a row, and we were feeling just great.
    • These companies offer great products and really have all their business ducks in a row.
    • January is the time to get your ducks in a row.
    • We wanted to have our ducks in a row before we started publicizing the project.