続 今日の英語


The world is your oyster this month.

 Susan Miller の西洋占星術山羊座9月の予報より。書き出しがこの一文。まだ読んでないけど、先が楽しみ。

  • 「世界はあなたの牡蠣」→「世界はあなたのもの/あなたの思うがまま」という面白い表現は、シェイクスピアの "Merry Wives of Windsor" にて、金を貸さないという相手に悪党が “Why then the world's mine oyster. Which I with sword will open.(なあに、世界はオレの牡蠣みたいなもの。刀を使ってこじあけてやるさ)” と言うセリフに由来。
  • 英英による解説:you have the ability and the freedom to do exactly what you want/used to tell someone that they can achieve whatever they want/you are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer
    • You're young and healthy and you've got no commitments, so the world is your oyster.
    • The world is your oyster when you're young and healthy and free to go anywhere.