続 今日の英語


A little bit of chutzpah will go a long way now.

 Yasmin Boland の西洋占星術山羊座今週の予報より。

  • "go a long way" で「うまくいく、役立つ」という意味に。
  • 「うまくいく、進展する(if you say that someone will go a long way, you mean that they will be successful)」の例文。
    • 'I like my men older - and richer.' 'You'll go a long way with ideas like that, my girl!'
    • The team has a long way to go (=needs to develop or improve a lot) before it can match that performance.
  • goをcomeにすると「成功してきた」と、現在までの道のりを指す表現に。現在が真ん中にあって、そこに成功・進展がcomeしてきたか、goしてゆくのか、という発想?
    • That rock group has come a long way since recording its first album.
    • Computer graphics have come a long way in the last few years.
    • Microwave ovens have come a long way (=have developed or improved a lot) since they first appeared in our kitchens.
  • 「役立つ(go some way towards doing something/go a long way towards doing something: to help a little or a lot to make something happen)」の例文。
    • A little space can go a long way.
    • This small gift went a long way in making the kids feel good.
    • Your contributions will go a long way towards helping children in Africa.
    • The fire insurance went a long way toward repairing all the damage.
    • The extra money will go a long way to buying a house.
    • ideas that go some way towards reducing environmental problems
  • chutzpah/図太さ、厚かましさ(a lot of confidence and courage to do something, especially something that might involve being impolite to someone in authority - used to show approval)