続 今日の英語


I felt I'd better make hay while the sun shined...

 ディズニー映画「メリーポピンズ」45周年記念DVD発売にあたっての、バート役のディック・ヴァン・ダイクのインタビュー記事(CNN.com)より。大ヒットテレビシリーズの「The Dick Van Dyke Show」と映画と掛け持って大変だった時期のことを振り返って。

  • 「太陽が照っている間に干し草を作る」→「波に乗っているうちにやっておく、好機を逃さない(make good use of an oppotunity while it lasts/If you have an opportunity to do something, do it before the opportunity expires/to do something while the situation or conditions are right)」という意味に。
    • While my husband's out of town, I'm going to watch all the movies he wouldn't take me to see. ---Why not? Make hay while the sun shines.
    • I've got a few hours to finish the housework before the kids come home so I might as well make hay while the sun shines.
    • There's a sale at the shop this week - You wanna see if the have something for your sister's birthday?---Sure - Might as well make hay while the sun shines, and get her something at cut price!
    • We've got a few days off work so lets make hay while the sun shines and do some landscaping around the back of the house.