続 今日の英語


If you know you've been a little heavy-handed with someone recently, today brings a marvellous chance to sort things out and ease them up a bit.

 yasmin bolandの西洋占星術・数日前の山羊座日報より。

  • 前に「高圧的な、偉そうな」ってことを英語で言いたかったけどうまく言えなかった時があったんだけど、このheavy-handedがちょうどそれっぽい。重い手で押さえつけるようなイメージなのかな?(acting forcefully and without care and thought/if you try to control someone or something in a heavy-handed way, you use more force than is necessary or suitable/taking too much action or extreme action, especially without thinking about other people's feelings/overly forceful or oppressive)
    • His heavy-handed style of management is extremely unpopular.
  • 「ぶざまな、不器用な(Clumsy/awkward)」「あからさまな、配慮にかけた(Tactless/indiscreet/insensitive/if an attempt to tell or teach someone something is heavy-handed, it is too obvious)」という意味もある。
    • The theme of drug abuse is treated in a way that is convincing without being heavy-handed.
    • This heavy-handed prose is merely tiresome.