続 今日の英語


I'm crying my eyes out...


  • そんな状態を英語で説明しようと表現を調べると、"cry one's eyes out"というぴったりの表現が。そうそう、cryだけじゃ私の言いたかったニュアンスとちょっと違うと思ってたので、まさに求めていた表現だ。to cry very hard/to cry a lot and for a long time/to be extremely unhappy and cry a lot/to weep inconsolably for a long time. ※inconsolably/慰められないほどの
    • When we heard the news, we cried our eyes out with joy.
    • She cried her eyes out after his death.
    • I cried my eyes out when my cat died.
    • Don't just sit there crying your eyes out, Meg. Get out there and find a new boyfriend!
    • A friend told me my house was destroyed in the fire, and I cried my eyes out.