続 今日の英語


Push up until legs poke out.

 最近購入した本『Balance--a guide to life's forgotten pleasures』(邦題:『人生をひそかに楽しむための45の方法』)より、人生をひそかに楽しむためのHow toのひとつ「How to do an underwater handstand」より。

  • 人を軽く小突く時なんかに使うpokeという単語は、"poke out"という形で「(何かから)はみ出る、突き出す」という意味に(if something is poking through or out of something else, you can see part of it but not all of it)。こう聞くと、どうしても「頭かくして尻かくさず」ということわざを思い出すのでちょっと調べてみると、同意のことわざとして"He is hiding his head like an ostrich."(←ダチョウは頭を隠しただけで、自分が隠れてるって思っちゃうんだって!)なんて表現がよく紹介されている。
    • I knew there were little birds in the birdhouse, because a little head poked out now and then.
    • She looked at the tiny face poking out of the blanket.
    • Weeds had started poking through the cracks in the patio.
  • How to do an underwater handstand
    1. Find body of water. (Fig1: a pool)
    2. Take big ol' deep breath and head to bottom.. (Fig2: a man is floating in the water)
    3. Push up until legs poke out. Hold. Note: It usually feels like legs were straighter than they actually were. (Fig3: two legs are poking out of the water)