続 今日の英語


If so, don't worry - you will find a better one in short order.


  • "in short order" で「すぐに、迅速に、遅れることなく(immediately, rapidly, very quickly, in a short time and without delay)」。フォーマルな言い方と表記のあった辞書もあった。友達との会話というよりビジネスなどのシーンや新聞等で使われる感じ?辞書の例文はそんなに堅くないけどね。
    • After the killing the camp had been shut down in short order.
    • I can straighten out this mess in short order.
    • The maids came in and cleaned the place up in short order.
    • He was able to deal with the scheduling problems in short order.
    • In short order, she became head waiter.
    • The children got ready in short order to go to the mall.