続 今日の英語


you can feel and see some dust settling.

 西洋占星術師Madalyn AslanのホームページでのKristin Fontanaによる山羊座今週の予報より。

  • "when the dust settles" で「事態が収束する(when things have calmed down)」という意味がある。他にも"let the dust settle/wait for the dust to settle"で「事態が収拾するのを待つ( to allow or wait for a confused situation to become clear)」とか。"the dust settles"で、「塵が落ち着く→混乱が落ち着く(things quiet down)」という発想。というか、そもそもdustに「混乱、騒動」という意味あいがある(a low or humble condition/a debased or despised condition)
    • When the dust settles, we can start patching up all the hurt feelings.
    • She hoped that the dust would settle quickly and the episode be forgotten.
    • The merger is complete, and when the dust has settled we can start on new projects.