続 今日の英語


Go figure...


  • その場にいた誰もが意味がわからなかった"go figure"はアメリカ英口語で「わけわかんない/意味わかんない/へんなの/ナニソレ?/信じられない!」といった意味。(said to show that you think something is strange or difficult to explain/It's really strange.; Just try to figure it out./I do not understand this /said to express the speaker's belief that something is amazing or incredible./a phrase used by itself as an interjection to mean "How can one explain that?", or to express puzzlement over some seeming contradiction.)※Usage notes: used after making a statement to show that you think the situation you described is silly
  • 先生はこの言葉を説明しようとして"Who knew?"って意味!"what do you know?"って感じ!って一生懸命だったんだけど、誰も意味合いがわからず、結局辞書で調べて日本語訳でなんとなく「ハァ、なるほど」みたいな理解。"I can't believe it.""I don't know why this happen..." とかかな?ということで落ち着いた。
  • 改めてwebで例文拾ってみると、授業中よりニュアンスが理解できた感じ。
    • 'He didn't even leave a message.' 'Go figure.'
    • She says she wants to have a conversation, but when I try, she does all the talking. Go figure.
    • The paint was really good, so they stopped making it - go figure, right?