続 今日の英語


I only hope it's worth our while.


  • be worth one's while (to do/doing)=「時間を費やすだけの価値がある/〜するのは無駄ではない」(worth the time or effort spent/used to say that someone should spend time or money on something because they will gain something from it/if something is worth your while, you will get an advantage if you do it/worth one's time and trouble)
    • It might be worth your while to talk to the head of department.
    • Some people feel it's not worth their while working if they can get money from the state.
    • It's worth your while taking out travel insurance if you are going abroad. ※take out an insurance /保険契約をする
    • The job pays so badly it's not worth your while even going for an interview.
    • It's not worth Mary's while going all that way just for a one-hour meeting.
    • It would be worth your while to see if you can still get tickets to the show.
    • You could make this trip more worth your while if you arranged to see more than one client.