続 今日の英語


I was talked out of buying a big car by my sister.

 本年度の大学入試センター試験の問題より。out ofが抜けてて4択。発音以外で間違えた唯一の問題。くやしい!(※受験生じゃないです。新聞に載ってた問題をやってみただけ。)ちょうど英会話レッスンあった日だったから、辞書引く前に先生に直解説してもらっちゃった。

  • talk someone out of doing/something=「〜に…しないよう説得する、〜に…をあきらめさせる(to persuade someone not to do something/to convince someone to give up or change something)」という句動詞を知らなかった。
  • ここでは受け身になってるので、元の能動文は My sister talked me out of buying a big car.となる。
    • Can't you talk them out of selling the house?
    • She tried to talk me out of getting a divorce.
    • They were trying to talk me out of my decision.
    • Timmy tried to talk Mary out of her ice cream cone.
    • She had to talk him out of quitting his job.
    • I wish I'd known she was taking the drug, I would have tried to talk her out of it.
  • ちなみに反意語のtalk someone into doing/somethingは知ってる表現(to persuade someone to do something)(06/8/1)だっただけに、どうしてout of がその反意語だと気付かなかったのかと思う。先生に言及されてハッとした。
    • My husband talked me into going skiing.
    • They talked me into going to the meeting, even though I didn't really have the time.
    • No one can talk me into doing something illegal.
    • She finally talked herself into making the dive.
    • It was pretty hard to talk the kids into going to the dance, but they did go and had a great time.
    • She talked the boss into buying new computers by saying we could work faster with them.