続 今日の英語


At first I didn't think it through properly...


  • think something through=「じっくり考える、深く考える、よく考える」(to run over and try to settle something in one's mind./consider all the possible effects or implications of ※implication:予想される影響・結果/to consider something carefully, esp. before making an important decision/to think carefully about the possible results of something)
  • 私は、考えることができなかったのでcouldn'tを使うんじゃないの?と聞くと、いや、didn'tが正しい、とのこと。でも何でなのかがいまいちよくわからなかった…。couldn'tだと気持ち的にじゃなくて、物理的に不可能って感じになっちゃうからなのかな?
  • 「よく考える」のthink overと何が違うんだろう、と思い辞書を引くと、think overはただそのことについて注意深く考えるだけ(consider something carefully.)なのに対して、think throughは、そのことが及ぼすすべての可能性をひっくるめて考える(consider all the possible effects or implications of )ということだった。(New Oxford American Dictionary)
    • Let me think this through and call you in the morning.
    • I will think through this matter and get back to you.
    • They had failed to think the policy through.
    • We can't afford a mistake, so think things through and make sure you have everything ready.
    • You should think through all these questions before you send your proposal to a publisher.
    • The policy has not been thought through properly.
    • It's my fault. I didn't think it through.
    • I need time to think things through.