続 今日の英語


I will bring in something for that.


  • bring something inが句動詞。いくつか意味があるが、ここでは「〜を導入する」という意味になる(introduce something, esp. a new law or product )。
    • Congress brought in reforms to prevent abuse of presidential power. ※congress/連邦会議、国会 ※reform/改善、改革 ※abuse/乱用する
    • I suggest that you initiate a campaign to bring in a law to stop car manufacturers advertising speed as one of the main attributes of new models. ※initiate/提案する ※attribute A to B/AをBのおかげであると考える
  • 同じ発想で、bringするのが人ならbring someone in=「〜を参加させる」(to include someone in some deed or activity/to ask someone to become involved in a discussion or situation)となる。
    • I'm going to have to bring a specialist in on this.
    • Please bring in several specialists to advise on this case.
    • Let's bring an expert in before we go any further.
    • I'd like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views.
    • The police were brought in to investigate the matter.