続 今日の英語


Can I drop off the gift?


  • drop offには「(人や物を移動の途中で)置いて行く(to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place/to let someone or a group out of a vehicle at a particular place/to deliver someone or something some place)」という意味があるので、そういうニュアンス。人を送っていって降ろす時のイメージがあったけど、こんな時にも使えるのね、と思った。
    • I'll drop you off on my way home.
    • Let's drop these shirts off at the cleaners.
    • Let's drop off Tom and Jerry at the hamburger joint.
    • Parents drop their kids off at daycare early in the morning.
    • I'll drop off the paperwork as soon as it's all filled out.