続 今日の英語


  • household/家族、世帯(all the people who live together in one house)※意外というか、世帯主のことかと勘違いしていた。
    • A growing number of households have at least one computer.
    • Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the household. ※これが世帯主だね。
    • Our household is made up of my father, my mother and me.
  • load/(v)(荷物などを)積む(to put objects into something/to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container)※load自体も耳慣れなかったのだけれど、uploadとかdownloadって(多分)ここからか、と気がついたら「おお!」と思った。読み込み中の「ロード中」もこのload(to put a program into a computer, or to be put into a computer)から。
    • The man loaded the boxes into a truck.
    • Anna loaded her basket with so many flowers.
    • Emma loaded all the groceries into the car.
    • Have you finished loading up?
    • He loaded the cups onto a tray.
    • To load the file, press the 'return' key.
    • The program takes a while to load.
    • She loaded up the car with camping gear.