続 今日の英語


Actions speak louder than words.


  • ちなみにどういうふうに自分でなかなか使えないかというと、actionなのかactionsなのか迷ったりcanを入れてしまったりwordsがspeakになっちゃったり。音読何回もすれば間違えないんだよね。見て覚えただけだから間違えるんだわきっと。
  • この状況では「言葉より行動のほうが正直」という訳がしっくりする感じだったけれど、実際にはもう少し幅広く、「言葉で言うくらいなら行動で示せ」という状況で使われたりもする。(your actions (what you do) communicate more clearly than your words (what you say). It is as if they were louder than words./What you do is more significant than what you say./something that you say which means that what you do is more important than what you say)
    • Don't tell me how to do this; show me! Actions speak louder than words.
    • Of course the government have made all sorts of promises but as we all know, actions speak louder than words.
    • You keep saying that you'll do your fair share of the housework. Remember that actions speak louder than words.
    • You have to prepare for what your opponents could do, not what they say they'll do, because actions speak louder than words. ※opponent:敵、対抗者