続 今日の英語


My laptop broke down.

 この間初めて海外旅行にノートパソコン持って行った。旅先で壊れた。という話を英語で友達にメールした時に覚えたbroke downという表現、レッスンで話す時間違えてbroke outと言ってしまって直された。

  • breakは自動詞と他動詞両方で使えるんだけど、私は他動詞の受け身で「壊れている」という言い方でしか今までほとんど使ってなくて、でも今回、「壊れている」じゃなくて旅行中に「壊れた」って言うには?あれ?と思いbreakを調べて、物が主語になって「壊れる」という言い方がbreak downという表現で言えることを知った。
  • break downで「故障する」( (of a machine or motor vehicle) suddenly cease to function/to stop working)「失敗に終わる」(to fail or stop working in a successful way)。
    • Sometimes the heating system simply breaks down.
    • The car broke down just north of Paris.
    • The printing machines are always breaking down.
    • His van broke down.
    • Negotiations broke down after only two days.
    • Talks between the two countries broke down.
    • I left London when my marriage broke down.
  • 「とても感情的になる」(to become very emotional/ lose control of one's emotions when in a state of distress )という意味もある。
    • I didn't know anyone who was killed, but I still broke down and cried when I heard about the bombings.
    • If she had tried to utter a word, she would have broken down.
    • The old woman broke down in tears.
  • ちなみに私がレッスン中間違えたbreak outは「突然発生する、勃発する」( (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly)。これはなんか、受験の時に覚えたなぁ…(遠い目)…。
    • Forest fires have broken out across Indonesia.
    • A fire broke out in the belfry.  ※belfry:鐘楼
    • A round of giggling broke out when the teacher tripped.
    • I was still living in London when the war broke out.
    • Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out?
    • Fighting broke out between demonstrators and the police.