続 今日の英語


I'm pulling myself together!


  • pull oneself together=「立ち直る、自分を取り戻す(to force oneself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way/ to compose oneself; to gather one's wits about one./recover control of one's emotions/ to recover one's self-control; regain command of one's emotions)」バラバラになった自分のカケラを集めてるイメージ。実際、引き裂かれる想いだった、ていうの、I was in piecesっていうよね?
    • With an effort Mary pulled herself together.
    • I have to pull myself together and try it again.
    • Now try to pull yourself together and get through this crisis.
    • It was only a minor accident, but the driver couldn't seem to pull himself together.