続 今日の英語


Please help yourself.


  • help yourself (to something) =「ご自由にどうぞ(召し上がれ)」は別に目新しい表現じゃなくて、実際耳にしたこともあったけれど、パーティーとか大皿料理とかで「自由にとって食べてね」というシチュエーションでしか使わないのかと勘違いしていた。ふつうにお茶や食事を「遠慮しないでどうぞ」とすすめる時にも使えるのね。to の後に実際にすすめる食べ物が入ってくると、よりイメージが「パーティー・取り分け」オンリーから離れるかな。(to take some of what you want, without asking permission - used especially when offering food to someone/Please take what you want without asking permission./to take something freely; to serve oneself without restraint./to serve or provide oneself with.)
    • Please help yourself to some cake.
    • Can I have one of these doughnuts? ---Help yourself.
    • Mother led the little troop of my friends to the kitchen table, which was covered with cups of juice and plates of cookies. "Help yourself," she said.
    • He said I could help myself to the chocolates.
    • If you want another drink, just help yourself.
    • Help yourself to the cookies.