続 今日の英語


Wrapping up the case.


  • "wrap up" には、文字通り「包む、あたたかい衣服でくるむ」という意味のほかに「(仕事などを)完成させる、仕上げる」という意味がある。(to finish a job, meeting etc/to complete work on something/to bring something to an end/ to complete something successfully/to complete something such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way/to complete or stop doing something)
    • We're hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week.
    • I will wrap the job up this morning.
    • I'll call you when I finish. I can wrap up this little project in a week.
    • The president will wrap up his visit to China on Thursday.
    • It's late and I have to get home, so let's wrap it up and finish tomorrow.
    • That just about wraps it up for today.
    • Let's wrap this meeting up.
    • The teacher quickly wrapped up her lecture toward the end of class.
    • The meeting wrapped up at four o'clock.
