続 今日の英語


I don't suppose you'd serve time for this, but let's avoid the court case.

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード1 "A Study in Pink" より(※ネタバレあり)。犯人を撃ったことをしらばっくれようとするワトスンだったが、ホームズはその手についた火傷のあとを消さないと、と促す。

  • "serve time"という言い方で「服役する、刑をつとめる」という意味になる。「〜の罪で」まで言う時は"serve time for〜"。そもそも serve だけでも同様の意味になる。time の部分を具体的な服役年数にしても使う。
    • Did you know that Les is serving time?
    • He has served time for drug possession.
    • He has served time before.
    • He was serving time for a series of burglaries in the neighborhood.
    • After the felon served his time, he was released from prison. ※felon:重罪犯人
    • The criminal served ten years in jail.
    • He served an eighteen-month sentence for theft.
    • He's serving two years for robbery.
    • She is serving a life sentence.
