続 今日の英語


Eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。学生時代の同級生・セバスチャンとホームズの挨拶。セバスチャンのセリフ。このシーンのあとホームズが連れのワトスンを "This is my friend John Watson"と紹介するんだけど、ワトスンに即座に"Colleague."と訂正されてめちゃかわいそう。

  • "clap eyes on〜"は「〜を見る、〜に会う」という意味。ロングマンオンライン辞書にはBritish English informalの注釈あり。他辞書ではオーストラリアでも使われるという表記も。予期せずに、や、初めて会う、というニュアンスがあるみたい。(to see someone or something, especially when you did not expect to/to see someone or something, perhaps for the first time/to set eyes on someone or something./to see someone or something for the first time)
    • Mark had loved the house from the moment he clapped eyes on it.
    • I wish she had never clapped eyes on her fiancé.
    • I haven't clapped eyes on a red squirrel for years.
    • I wish I'd never clapped eyes on that money.
    • Everyone keeps talking about Patrick, but I've never clapped eyes on the man.
  • 英国以外でも広く使われているのは "lay eyes on" や "set eyes on" の形。意味は同じ。
    • I hope never to lay eyes on him again!
    • We liked the house from the moment we set eyes on it.
    • I've loved him ever since I first set eyes on him.
    • She did not want to lay eyes on this man ever again.
    • My mother had fallen in love with my father when she first set eyes on him.
    • I knew when I set eyes on that car that it was the car for me.

    • Have you ever laid eyes on such a beautiful flower?
    • I hope I never set eyes on this place again!