続 今日の英語


What are the chances of that?

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。死体で見つかったヴァン・クーンは実は自殺で、彼の手に握られた拳銃の弾は窓の外にあるはずだ、と述べるホームズに、ディモック警部が「それ本気で言ってるのかよ」というトーンで問いかける。

  • chanceにはいろんな意味があるけれど、ここでは「可能性、見込み、公算」という意味。(the possibility that something will happen/how possible or likely it is that something will happen, especially something you want/a possibility of something happening, especially something that you want)
    • There's always the chance that something will go wrong.
    • What are the team's chances of success?
    • She has a good chance of a successful recovery.
    • There is little chance of her being found alive.
    • He gave the show a fifty-fifty chance of survival.
    • It was a million to one chance, but it had happened.
    • How can we improve our chances of career development?
    • There's a good chance that we'll finish on time.
    • There's still a slim chance [=a small possibility] that we can win.
    • If you are free tonight, is there any chance you could join me for dinner?
    • What are the chances that we'll have nice weather today?
    • I think her chances of winning the election are good.
    • Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?
    • What are the chances that they'll win?
    • What are her chances of survival?
  • 受験英語で(確か)出てくる、Chances are (that〜)という構文で「いかにも〜でありそうだ」という意味で使うのも、この possibility の意味から。
    • Chances are they'll be out when we call.
    • Chances are she has already heard the news.