続 今日の英語


From the million pound security system at the bank to the PIN machine you took exception to.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。世の中は暗号であふれてるんだよ、とワトスンに話しかけるホームズ。

  • 「例外」でおなじみのexceptionには「苦情、不満、不服」という意味もあり、"take exception to〜" =「〜に苦情を言う、不満を言う、腹を立てる、怒る」という形で使われる。(object strongly to/be offended by/to be angry or upset because of something/to feel or express disagreement with or opposition to something/to take offense at something ※offense:気分を害するもの/to disagree with something)簡単で身近な単語でもまだまだ知らない使い方が。
    • They took exception to his bohemian demeanor.  ※demeanor:ふるまい
    • Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans.
    • I take exception to the tone of her remarks.
    • I must take exception to your remark.
    • Sue took exception to Fred's characterization of Bill as a cheapskate. ※ cheapskate:けち、しみったれ
    • I have to take exception to the figure you quoted.
    • The manager took exception to the statement about having only three employees.
  • PINマシンは暗証番号認証システムで、ちょっと前にジョンがけんかしてたレジのマシンのこと。