続 今日の英語


Listen, whatever you say, I'm behind you 100%.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。ディモック警部に事件の証拠について訪ねてきたワトスン。初めて接するホームズのやり方に振り回されるディモック警部が "Your friend..." とホームズについて話しだすと、すかさずワトスンがこう答える。

  • このセリフ好き。「〜の後ろに」を表す behind には「〜を支持する」という意味も。目的語は人でも物でも。後ろから支えてるイメージかなと思う。
    • The workers are very much behind these proposals.
    • I suppose I'm lucky because my parents were behind me all the way.
    • Despite the controversy, most of his supporters remain solidly behind him.
    • We're behind you all the way!
    • I encourage everyone to get behind these proposals.
    • She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her.