続 今日の英語



  • daunting/人の気力をくじく、very difficult to do or deal with
    • a daunting task
    • Few things are more daunting than having to speak in front of a large crowd.
    • Shakespeare's plays can be daunting for a young reader.
  • benign←→malignant
  • 水ぶくれ/blister
  • calling/天職、the work that a person does or should be doing
    • She discovered architecture as her true calling while in college.
  • flair/才能、コツ
    • have a flair
    • do things with a flair
    • He has a flair for storytelling.
  • so-and-so/だれそれ、某
    • She's always gossiping and telling people that so-and-so is getting married or divorced or something.
    • Let's say Mr. So-and-so, who is related to you, asks to borrow $1,000. Would you give it to him?
  • tolerant/willing to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own/ able to allow or accept something that is harmful, unpleasant, etc.(日本語では意味がわかるのに英語で説明ができなかった。)
  • obsolate = irrelevant = outdated
  • credible/信頼できる