続 今日の英語


Please tell me I'll have something to show for it, other than a massive bill for overtime.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。ホームズたちのことをイマイチ信用してないディモック警部がホームズ&ワトスンに言ったセリフ。

  • "have something to show for something"で「長らく取り組んできたことの成果を出す、見返りとしての結果を出す(to have something as a result of what you have been doing/be able to exhibit as a result of one's work or expenditure)」という意味。somethingの部分には具体的な名詞が入ったり、(前半のsomethingは)nothingになったり。
    • If he fails, he'll have nothing to show for his time at school.
    • She had plenty of money to show for all her work.
    • We worked all day but had nothing to show for it.
    • He invested millions of dollars into the company, but he has little to show for it.
    • She has two Olympic gold medals to show for her years of training and practice.
    • He has some very fine paintings to show for the vast amount of money he's spent .
    • I worked for two weeks, and £50 was all I had to show for it.
    • I've been trying to write this essay all day and I've got nothing to show for it.
    • She tried her best to make the business work, but now all she had to show for her effort was a huge debt.