続 今日の英語


Stood me up once too often.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。事件解決後、亡くなった銀行員エディ・ヴァンクーンについて話す、彼のかつての恋人だった女性秘書のセリフ。

  • "stand someone up" には「デートをすっぽかす、待ちぼうけをくわせる(to not meet someone who you have arranged to meet)」という意味がある。
    • I was supposed to go to a concert with Kyle on Friday, but he stood me up.
    • You stood me up yesterday.
    • I got stood up by my date.
    • He stood her up once too often, so she broke up with him.
    • Tom stood up Mary once, and she never forgave him.
  • "once too often" は最初よくわからなくて、onceを「かつて」ととって、昔そういうことをよくされた、という意味かと思ったら、"do something once too often" という形の決まり表現で「いささかひんぱんに、あまりにたびたび」という意味で使うというのが辞書にあった。英英を見ると、どうやらよくないことを繰り返しして、報いを受けるような時に使うみたい。この場合だと、自分を軽んじて待ちぼうけばかりくわせるから関係を終わりにしたのよ、という流れ。(used to say that somebody has done something wrong or stupid again, and this time they will suffer because of it/to cause trouble for yourself by repeating dangerous, stupid, or annoying behaviour/to repeat a bad, stupid, or dangerous action with the result that you get punished or cause trouble for yourself)
    • He's insulted me once too often. He's going to regret this!
    • He tried that trick once too often and in the end they caught him.
    • I’ve had it with him―he’s humiliated me once too often!(※have had it:もうがまんできない)