続 今日の英語


Oh, the wall had it coming.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」S1エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。犯罪が全然なくてヒマなんだ!と、ベイカー街221Bの壁に銃を撃ち放つシャーロック。2人のうちでは常識人担当のジョンに「ヒマだからって壁に八つ当たりしてるってわけか」(So you take it out on the wall? 14/1/30)ととがめられるが、悪びれずこう返す。

  • 「自業自得」という言い方はたくさんあって、今までメモしただけでもyou deserve it や you asked for it(04/7/30)、what goes around comes around(10/7/27) や serves you right(08/3/31) などがあるけど、ここで出てくる "have it coming" は初めて知った。
  • "have it coming (to one)"=「(罰・非難など)受けるに値する、自業自得である」(If you have it coming (to you) you deserve to get something bad, such as punishment/ to be about to receive or to merit punishment or retribution ※retribution:報い/deserving of misfortune)。使役動詞haveで、「主語が、itをcomingするようにしている」から、当然の報いってことになるのね。
    • It's too bad he got fired, but he sure had it coming.
    • The jury felt the guy had it coming, so they didn't convict her of attacking him.
    • I'm not sorry to hear that he lost his job. He had it coming.
    • When they lost their fortune, everyone said that they had it coming.
    • She left her husband and took the kids with her. He had it coming after years of abusing her.
