続 今日の英語


Open and shut domestic murder.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」S1エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。手がけた(手がけるまでもなかった)事件について語るシャーロック。

  • "open and shut"は、事件や訴訟、問題が「単純明快な、明々白々な」と言う時の表現。(if a legal case or problem is open and shut, the facts are very clear and it is easy to make a decision or find a solution/a legal case or other matter that is easy to prove or decide because the facts are very clear/able to be settled or decided very quickly and easily/describes a problem or legal matter that is easy to prove or answer)
  • "simple and clear"って表現あるけど、それのリーガルバージョンって感じかな。
    • The police think the case is open and shut: five witnesses saw the man stealing the car.
    • It's going to take a lot of work to deal with this problem. It certainly isn't an open-and-shut matter.
    • Her first assignment as a lawyer was an open-and-shut case involving a drunk driver.
    • The murder was an open-and-shut case.
    • Our lawyer thinks that we have an open-and-shut case.
