続 今日の英語


Perhaps you can get through to him, John?

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」S1エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。シャーロックに国家がらみの捜査を依頼しに来た兄のマイクロフト。依頼を受けようとしない頑固(intransigent)なシャーロックとの話の最中、ジョンに助け舟を求める(というか、矛先を向ける)。

  • "get through" というのは「切り抜ける」という意味でよく使われるけど、ここでは "get (something) through to someone" の形で成句。「〜を…に理解させる」「…に言いたいことが通じる」「話が通じる」という意味で使われている。(to succeed in making someone understand something, especially when this is difficult/to make somebody understand or accept what you say, especially when you are trying to help them/to express something clearly so that it is understood by someone/to make someone understand something)
    • I couldn't seem to get through to her.
    • How can I get it through to him that this is really important?
    • I find it impossible to get through to her.
    • I've talked to him many times, but I just can't seem to get through to him.
    • I hope I've finally gotten my message through to him.
    • Why don't you try to understand me? What do I have to do to get through to you?
    • Can anybody get through, or are you just stubborn?
  • 同じ "get through to someone" という形でも、電話のシーンだと「〜につなぐ」という意味に。根底にあるのは、人にconnectするっていうイメージ。
    • I called her on the telephone time after time, but I couldn't get through to her.
    • Where were you? I've been trying to get through to you all day!
    • I tried to call home but I couldn't get through.
    • I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through.