続 今日の英語


He and Lestrade are the pick of a bad lot.

 シャーロック・ホームズシリーズ最初の作品『緋色の研究(A Study in Scarlet)』より。事件の一報を受けたホームズが、ワトスン君に、電報を送ってきたグレグソン警部について話すシーン。

  • ここでいう "a bad lot(だめな一団)" は、Scotland Yard(ロンドン警視庁)のこと。pickは名詞で「選ばれた人(物)、えり抜き」という意味。一団の中では優れた人達だけれど、そもそもその一団はダメな集団、というニュアンス。他よりはマシ、といった感じ。
  • "the pick/best of a bad lot/bunch"という形で使われる( a person or thing that is a little better than the rest of a group, although none are very good/to be slightly less bad than other bad people or things in a group/the least bad person or thing in a group of not very good people or things/ the person or thing of a group that is not as bad as the others, although none of the group is good)。辞書にはイギリス的表現との記載あり。(特にlotはイギリス的)
  • 用例を探すと、TripAdvisorのホテルレビューのタイトルでも使われている。
    • This picture isn't exactly what I would have chosen, but it was the best of a bad lot.
  • "the pick of 〜" の母集団(ofの後ろ)はなにもできの悪い集団だけに限らず、「(ある集団)の中で一番いいもの」という意味で広く使われる(the best things in a group/the best part of something or the best thing or things in a group/the best of a group of things or people)。pickをこういう意味で使う時は、"the pick" と、theがついた単数形で使う。
    • In tonight's programme we'll be discussing the pick of this month's new movies.
    • There were fifteen candidates for the job, and he was the pick of the bunch (=the best one).
    • It was surely the pick of this year's films. [=it was the best film this year]
    • I read many books this summer, and that was the pick of the bunch. [=the best of the bunch/group]
    • There are many good cars on the market now, but this one is clearly the pick of the litter. [=the best one]
    • Send in your poems and we will print the pick of the bunch.
    • The pick of this year's three-year-old racehorses is Galileo.
