続 今日の英語


"Never a Dull Moment" lives up to its title.

(映画「Never a dull moment(=退屈する時がない)」はそのタイトルに見合った作品だ。)
 "Never a dull moment"という映画(邦題「怪盗大旋風」←いかにもB級 笑)のカスタマー・レビューより。

  • "live up to〜"で「(期待・責任など)に応える、添う」という意味。また、「(主義等)に従って行動する」とも。(to fulfill expectations; to satisfy a goal or set of goals/to be as good as you said or thought something would be/to do what is required by/to be good enough for)
    • But most important of all, I continue living up to my motto: Dignity. Always dignity. ※映画「雨に唄えば」[Singin' in the Rain]より
    • The president lived up to his promise to set America swiftly on a new path.
    • The film has certainly lived up to my expectations.
    • Analysts are concerned that corporate profits will not live up to expectations and could cause stock prices to fall.
    • They lived up to their parents' ideals.
    • I hope I can live up to my reputation.
    • The class lives up to its reputation of being exciting and interesting.
    • The game fails to live up to the excitement promised on its box.
    • She lived up to her promises.
    • He has found it difficult to live up to his name/reputation.
    • Their vacation didn't live up to their expectations.