続 今日の英語



I jumped at it.

I jumped at it. (私はその申し出に飛びついたわ) ジュリー・アンドリュースが4月からNetflixで子供向け番組を始める、というニュース記事より。何か芸術に関する番組を一緒にやりませんか?という話がHenson Companyから持ちかけられた時の話でジュリー・…

Please keep your mobile phones switched off for the duration of the flight.

Please keep your mobile phones switched off for the duration of the flight. (飛行中は携帯電話の電源はお切りください) ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ出演のラジオドラマ「Cabin Pressure」S1E2 Boston 冒頭キャロリンの機内放送より。このあと「携帯…


あみだくじ/ladder lottery 寄生虫/parasite もはやカタカナ日本語とも言える単語なのにいざとなると出てこないとか...

In the very unlikely event of an emergency landing, your inflatable safety jacket is under your seat – and that is precisely where I recommend it stay, given that the largest body of water between here and Luton is an open-air swimming pool in Daventry.

In the very unlikely event of an emergency landing, your inflatable safety jacket is under your seat – and that is precisely where I recommend it stay, given that the largest body of water between here and Luton is an open-air swimming poo…