続 今日の英語


He's coming by the booth tomorrow to show off some of his computer animation.


  • "show off" には「見せびらかす/これみよがしに振舞う(display or cause others to take notice of someone or something that is a source of pride)」という意味が。か・・・かわいいなあ!!スタッフに「showしにくる」、ではなくて「show offしにくる」、と説明されてしまうあたりが(笑)本当にカワイイ! 
    • He showed off his new sports car.
    • The white dress showed off her dark skin beautifully.(「美しく見せていた」のニュアンス)
    • His jeans were tight-fitting, showing off his compact figure.(同上)
    • a picture of the restaurant's owners showing off their award
    • He couldn't resist showing off on the tennis court.