続 今日の英語


I know, you mean well. But you have no idea how evil Count Cagliostro really is.

 映画「ルパン三世 カリオストロの城」英語吹替版より。塔に閉じ込められたクラリスを助けにきたと言うルパン。かりそめに喜んだクラリスだったが、すぐにカリオストロ伯爵の恐ろしさを思い出し、今のうちに逃げてくださいとルパンに告げる。

  • "I know you mean well"は、このままカタマリで使えそうな表現。「あなたがよかれと思ってやってくれているのはわかります」ということ。後ろにBut,...と続けたくなる。と思ったらやっぱりOxfordの英英でも "have good intentions, but not always the ability to carry them out." という説明が。
    • I know you mean well, but these people don't want your help.
    • Her constant queries about your health must be tiresome, but I'm sure she means well.(query:疑問、質問、questionの形式ばった形)
    • They mean well but lack tact. (tact:the ability to be careful about what you say or do, so that you do not upset or embarrass other people)
    • He may sound a bit rude at times, but he means well (=intends to be helpful or kind, even if it does not seem like that).
    • Kay is a gossip, but she means well. She tries to be a friend.