続 今日の英語


He has played more samurai than even he can keep track of.

 バッドマンの最新作「Batman Begins」についての記事より渡辺謙に関する紹介文から。

  • "keep track of" の track は追跡するのニュアンスか。熟語で「〜の経過を追う/…を見失わないようにする/ずっと〜の情報を得る」。
    • Keep track of the time you work at the computer.
    • Please carefully keep track of your expenses during the trip.
    • It's difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics. (genetic:遺伝学の)
    • She had lost all track of time and had fallen asleep.
    • I just lost all track of time.