続 今日の英語


I should have sent her away only I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk into your machines.

 映画「マイ・フェア・レディ」[My Fair Lady]より。ヒギンズ教授の家を訪れた花売り娘イライザ。追い返すべきか迷った家政婦のピアス婦人は、教授にこう告げる。

  • 接続詞のonlyの用法。「〜なんだけど、でも/もう一方では〜」みたいな時に使う(used like 'but' to give the reason why something is not possible)。
    • I would have gone, only you objected.
    • He is a good man, only that he sometimes drinks too much.
    • I'd offer to help, only I'm really busy just now.
    • He is still a young man, only he seems older because of his careworn expression. ※careworn/心配・苦労でやつれた