続 今日の英語


make sure you don't go getting in over your head,...

([もしタブーを侵す覚悟があるのなら] ハマりすぎないように気をつけて。)
 yasmin boland の西洋占星術・本日の山羊座より。愛情の惑星・金星が「タブー」をあらわす第8室に入るから、ドロドロした恋愛劇に入り込みすぎないように気をつけて・・・みたいな内容。

  • "be/get in over someone's head" で、「自分ではコントロールしきれないような状況・深みにはまること(to be or get involved in something that is too difficult for you to deal with)」を指す。泳げない人が、足の届かない深さ(=over his head)に落ちちゃってアップアップしてるイメージ。
    • The new PR Manager felt like she was in over her head during her first week at the new job.
    • Go ahead and lead the meeting today; I'll help you out if you get in over your head.
    • I'm in over my head with all these exhibition arrangements.
    • In business, start small and don't get in over your head.
    • you will also want to be careul about buying things with credit card you wouldn't normally be able to afford. Again, you can get in over your head and end up paying a large amount of interest. ※クレジットカードの注意書き interest/利息・金利
  • そうそう、前に"over your head"をつかったI can go over your head(04/8/16)というのもあった。